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Climbing the Ladder My Own Way

The Next Step

My take on Flo

My major of choice in college was Business. Without a specialty within the business field, I began job hunting.  Quickly I realized my background left me over or underqualified for a lot of positions available in my area. I ended up landing a job as a Claims Adjuster for Progressive Insurance since their main requirement was a 4-year degree in any major. This position required me to step out of my comfort zone, constantly. I missed being creative but I settled in and did well. What I learned about myself was that I enjoyed helping others succeed more than focusing on my own work. No one grows up thinking they want to work for an insurance company but the skills I learned helped me professionally and eventually when I became a mother. My husband took a job that required us to move so I was able to take a job in a support position with the same company. 

Eventually, after having my first child, I opted to be a stay at home mom. I loved my job but the commute was far. The time and cost of getting to my job and paying for daycare made it an easy choice. The next 5 years I was focused on raising kids. My two kids are now at school which allowed more time for self reflection. I want to further my career that would allow flexibility and make use of my degree. How could I do that? Is there anything that fits with my interest and background?

In came, Udacity! The cost, content and time-frame was a good fit. I'm excited about the potential with this program to give me a specialty to help businesses grow and expand. Social media and technology are constantly changing the marketing platform. Learning to help companies with this progression will give me a new and exciting challenge to my life. I feel like I never set any absolute career goals as a young adult and this program has give me that potential to combine creativity and business that I've been wanting to accomplish.
